Sunday, November 4, 2007

good week

What is the magic ingredient that makes one class (and my resulting mood) quite good, and the next so horribly bad?

I wish I knew.

But this past week of class and rehearsal has been quite good for some unknown reason. I don't know what it is, but I felt like all of last week I had more energy or something. This weekend of rehearsal was similar. Can't explain it, but I hope it continues on this week!

I get into these modes sometimes where I realize how lucky I am right now. I go through my ups and downs a lot, but then I get to a point where I see that I really truly can't complain about my life: I'm in the best city in the world, doing what I love, at the brink of 2 possible careers, with the support of the people I love. I have to remind myself of that sometimes when I'm down -- there's nowhere else I'd rather be, no other way I'd rather be spending my time or living my life than the way it is right now.

Lots of stuff going on and coming up soon. I'm starting to interview for potential spring internships (seems like I just started my fall one yesterday!) along with working on my many papers/projects for the rest of the semester. Other writing assignments are popping up that I'm excited about but will keep me ever-more busy. Starting to think of audition season in the back of my mind...Classes and rehearsals as usual...

I'm counting down until Thanksgiving break (not much of a break though) and then til performances, and then til the end of the semester!

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