Now that I'm officially staying in NYC I'm trying to get back in my swing of keeping abreast on upcoming dance events around town.
Of note:
-This Friday night, Armitage Gone! will perform as part of Lincoln Center's Out of Doors Festival
-Monday August 11th as part of the NY Fringe Festival (which I reviewed extensively last year
here): “Family Audiences in Dance - Why Not?” 6pm
more info hereThis panel will discuss the tremendous potential and the hazards of the creation of dance targeted to family audiences...New York City has savvy family audiences eager to see and experience dance. Find out why and how creating works for family audiences can challenge artistic growth and expand the number of performance opportunities available. Moderator: Eva Dean, Artistic Director, Eva Dean Dance and Union Street Dance. Panelists: Renata Celichowska, Director, 92nd Street Y Harkness Dance Center. Keely Garfield, Choreographer and Co-Curator for Dance Theater Workshop's "Family Matters". Joanne Robinson Hill, Director of Education, The Joyce Theater. Mary Rose Lloyd, Director of Programming, The New Victory Theater. Marya Warshaw, Founding and Executive Director, Brooklyn Arts Exchange (BAX)
-City Center's 2008
Fall for Dance programs have been announced! Companies I'm particularly looking forward to: Suzanne Farrell Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, and Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal
-Cedar Lake has a new installation coming up Aug. 20-23. If it's anything like Glassy Essence a few months ago then it's something to look forward to. Check out
Evan's behind the scenes posts. I'll definitely be attending, and possibly going to a tech rehearsal as well so look for posts on that to come.
-The Works & Process series at the Guggenheim is gearing up for the fall and looks to have an exciting (to me anyway) list of performances...For starters is a new commision: A Two Part Affair – Ballet and Modern Meet Uptown. Sun & Mon, Sept 21 & 22, 7:30 pm. One of the choreographers is Brian Reeder, whom I worked with at ABT's intensive earlier this summer. Speaking of which, ABT is performing excerpts of Tudor ballets at Works & Process on Sun & Mon, Oct 5 & 6, 7:30 pm
-I'm in another student showcase performance at Ailey on Aug. 24. Two performances that Sunday afternoon...details to come.
Now that the eye of the storm has passed things are much calmer this week and I'm taking time to finally just relax a bit (only a bit :) for a few days. Yet again, I must thank everyone for your continued blog support!