Saturday, May 31, 2008

ailey student showing tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon is the little student showcase I'm in for the Ailey Extension program...

If anyone's in the city and bored, you should come :) It's at the Ailey studio at 5pm. Just come in and they'll show you where to go...we're expecting a much bigger crowd than the last time, so it's exciting.

In other news, today was another busy ballet day. For ABT intensive we had 2 seminars this morning - one on pointe shoes with the expert from Capezio, and another on the new ABT national curriculum (which I have lots to say about but don't have time at the moment).

Then I took my usual Saturday classes I do, running from studio to studio (in the rain...I got SOAKED running from buying shoes at sansha to running to city center and then to ailey!).

Looking forward to tomorrow's showcase even though I could really use a Sunday off from dancing after this crazy week, haha. Ah well, it should be fun.


kathy with a k said...

Wish I was able to attend the student showcase tonight. That would be fun and I'd love to meet you. Perhaps another time.

Taylor said...

Thanks for all your comments kathty with a k :) People on this blog don't comment very often so I'm happy you've chimed in, haha.

Many more showcases to come I'm sure, so some other time you'll have to come :)