Wednesday, November 14, 2007

SO busy!

This day, and week, has been insane!

This morning I did another interview for movmnt. Mystery person #2 was also really nice and gave me GREAT anecdotes to use in the article.

Then I just got out of a lonnnng audition for Rebecca Kelly Ballet, this contemporary company downtown. It was a really nice audition -- I liked the choreography a lot, and it wasn't too crowded. She has another audition in December before she makes any decisions or whatever, so I won't hear back for a while. It felt more like a good class than an audition, so...think positive.

Now I'm fumbling around trying to respond to many many messages I got while in the audition...I got last minute press tickets to review Complexions tonight, so I'm arranging for that to happen. I've been playing phone tag with another movmnt interviewee and I'm try to get that squared away. I got a call from a very important internship asking for references and an interview, so I'm in the process of that as well. Crazy! You know I'm busy when I can even find time to take class! I guess the audition counted though.

Anyway, I better get to work on organizing my life and stop rambling on here, haha. Report on Complexions coming later tonight :)

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